Lee-Anne Gray, Psy.D.
Lee-Anne Gray, Psy.D. is a psychologist, educator, and author. She is certified in EMDR, a trauma treatment, as well as a national speaker in self-compassion, mindful awareness, LGBTQ+ youth, gender, sexuality, assessment, special education, and gifted individuals. Dr. Gray is formerly an instructor of Psychology of Gender in the Departments of Psychology/Women’s Studies at UCLA. She was a forensic expert for the Public Defender of Orange County and conducted evaluations of incarcerated LGBTQ+ youth. Prior to this, Dr. Gray was supervising psychologist at the largest special education nonprofit organization in the nation. In 2012, she curated and organized TEDxStudioCityED with the theme of Blending Self-Regulation, Technology, and Education.
She is the author of Educational Trauma: Examples from Testing to the School-to-Prison Pipeline (2019,) highly regarded by international scholars as “…a path breaking book.” She is also a contributing author to Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives and Education of Children (Peter Lang, 2015), where she discussed Educational Trauma and Empathic Education for a Compassionate Nation (EECN). Along with young people as equal participants, Dr. Gray co-designed EECN to promote co-learning and mitigate Educational Trauma. She is the author of several publications, including two #1 NEW RELEASES on Amazon: Self-Compassion for Teens (PESI Publishing & Media, 2016) and LGBTQ+ Youth (PESI Publishing & Media, 2018); the card deck Self-Compassion & Mindfulness for Teens (PESI Publishing & Media, 2017); and The Happy Family (2014.) Dr. Gray has also served as an adjunct instructor teaching Ethics and Professional Development, as well as Clinical Interviewing, to doctoral students in clinical psychology.
In 2020, Dr. Gray served the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, as Supervising Psychologist, during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Her work can be found in the media at: HuffPost, Fast Company, The Good Men Project, Truth Out, and Salon.